Monday, March 8, 2010

About 10

I was sort of liking the list of 10 things all last week and may continue here and there, but my 10 for today is about my almost 10 year old daughter...and maybe all the 10 year olds out there in the world. I remember when my nieces were 10 and thinking, "Wow, I like 10 year olds, they can hang with the adults and hang with the kids and each is fine with them". The word I think of when I think of 10 year olds is "whatever" and that is a good thing. I think of them as really being cool with "whatever"...and it looks like that is proving to be true for my lovely daughter (I'm sure we'll have our days). I'm witnessing that 10 is that balancing act between childhood and the teen years. One day its all about being all hip and mature and the next its dreaming up a fairy world outside with friends. One day its not wanting to have anything to do with your family and the next wanting to stay next to mommy all evening long. I am planning to be VERY present in this upcoming year and witnessing this evers0 fleeting moment of wonder and grace that my daughter will be experiencing. I am kinda sad, kinda glad, kinda scared and kinda hopeful but I know that we'll all be just fine regardless.

This post was inspired by a little funny observation of mine. Saturday night my husband and I were on a date and we were talking about how the kids are growing up and the toys are becoming less and less and that probably from now on Christmas and Birthdays would be more about clothes, video games and other things 'less plastic'. We were secretly excited about it (not acknowledging that what it really means is our kids are growing up). Fast forward to Sunday morning when I awaken (at 10:30am I might add) and my daughter announces that she has made her birthday list (April 30 is her day). The list has 10 items (apple doesn't fall far from the tree) and each and every item included Littlest Pet Shop toys on it...all of which are PLASTIC, none of which are 'grown up'...all of which made me smile and realize that I am pushing her to grow up (in my mind) faster than she is ready and I am A-OK with slowing it all down to a pace that suits HER not ME because this will unfortunately not last. I am grateful for my 10 year old and the exciting year ahead for us, I will enjoy both sides of her and try to etch them into my brain so that when 'change comes' I can go back to this lovely age in my mind! Here's to Plastic Toys AND everything TWEEN...both are welcome here (I think??!!!).

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