Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Drinkin' Koolaid

I first learned the term "I'm drinking the Koolaid" back in 1999 when I worked at Razorfish. I have been saying it very regularly ever since. I have been drinking a good cocktail of people's Koolaid as of late and boy is it going down smooth as silk. The cool thing about the Koolaid I'm drinkin' is that it doesn't end in the death of 918 people...but it does sometimes lead to death...like the death of an old identity, the death of a limiting belief, the death of a toxic friendship, the death of external influences that I "don't want"...you get the picture!
So, if the Koolaid you're selling leads to freedom, enlightenment, joy, happiness and fun (I'll even add the term "legal fun" to be safe)...then I will take a sample taste...and maybe we can barter...some of your Koolaid for some of mine. We could do a little Koolaid stand of sorts. Yum!

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