Thursday, March 11, 2010

Duly Noted

Today I am busy but still want to my short cut is to find the first quote I can and respond to it. Luckily, the first quote I found is a good one...or I might be in trouble.

...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), (Sherlock Holmes)

Wow, this one is cool. I'm kind of having a hard time wrapping my head around translating how that works in my life.

What I believe is that the truth for each of us is as unique and individual as a snowflake and that I have no right or desire to make my truth be your truth. Sometimes I forget that (especially with those I'm closest to), but the more and more I strip away the 'social self' part of me and get to the essence of me, I am finding that I can rewrite some of the truths that I adopted from others. One area that I am specifically rewriting my truth is around my feeling of worth and the knowledge that I have the "right" to have or ask for whatever I want. Somehow I have a murky self perception around that and it can sometimes stop me in my tracks when I am designing the life I choose to live moving forward. It isn't a dramatic 'different' life, its just more of a life that is on my terms and it is based on the assumption that I am just as worthy as anyone on this planet to experience a rich and abundant life. I feel like some inspiring music needs to start playing right now...

So...back to the quote...I don't know if my words and the quote match totally but I DO LOVE that the quote evoked me to write that. This blog was written in the matter of 10 minutes and I didn't do a lot of thinking about what I think about my words is...they ARE the TRUTH DAMMIT! AMEN.

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