Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Technical Difficulties

Finally this afternoon I realized that I had 24 emails in my outbox which meant that all emails generated yesterday and today have not been sent. That makes me feel better about the amount of 'non-replies' I've gotten but it also makes me a little miffed. I had generated all kinds of emails like - check ins with clients, replies about setting up meetings, reaching out to someone who went to my grad school, sharing exciting stories with my tribe, asking for details for a call I had to miss and 18+ other emails like that. Against my better judgment, I deleted all of the unsent emails (with dread because I don't know exactly what info I was deleting) and then turned off the whole computer and then started again believing that all would be solved...but that is a big fat NO IT ISN'T FIXED. I know my husband will do a click here, a check there and all will be well this evening but until then...I CANNOT SEND ANY EMAILS....AND I lost a ton of good communications that I may never remember. So where does that leave me....
  • feeling isolated because I cannot communicate with anyone
  • frustrated because I had homework to send in for my Wed night class
  • calm and relaxed because I know that there is nothing I can do at the moment
  • inspired to figure out a work now I will play the "what if" game....
So the circumstance is that I cannot communicate by email so now I will brainstorm by quickly (without much thought or judgment) come up with some "What if" scenarios...
  1. what if...I write a list of all the emails I think I lost so that I can remember to send at a later date
  2. what if...I try to reach out to those who are FB friends to communicate with them that way
  3. what if...I prepare the emails that I wanted to send in word and when all is fixed, I can send them out
  4. what if...I take a break from email and do something else constructive on the computer
  5. what if...I shut the computer down and take a nap (my technical difficulties kinda match my body difficulties...I'm sick).
Boy, those options all sound better than the current state of stewing and churning and trying/trying/trying to get the outbox to send when it WON'T. No matter how many times I press send/receive it doesn't change the results....oh my goodness, stop with the madness Laura and just give in to the fact that maybe just maybe you will not be able to get some stuff done....take one of the what ifs and go do it...hmmm taking a nap sounds really good right now!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

How about the old fashioned "pick up the phone"...I often forget about this tool as well, and am sometimes surprised when someone actually calls me as opposed to emailing me. But then I remember its sometimes NICE to talk to people and even sometimes..quicker.