Friday, March 26, 2010

Three Bears

Holy ca-moly this week has sped by. I cannot even remember what Monday looked like and then today is a speedy quick one with something happening every hour on the hour. This pace has had me a little on edge mainly because I have perfectionist tendencies so anything that involves me having to be "good at" something makes me lose sleep, stress about the details and generally doubt myself....this week I:
  1. Ran a clay workshop for 4th graders and I know nothing about "clay art"
  2. Wrote an article for a fundraiser where I don't know really how to write articles for papers
  3. Held a party at my house where I only have so much bandwidth for fancy entertaining
  4. Edited photos for a family where I can tend to nitpick each photo (speaking of nit son's class has had a case of lice this week...please, please, lice)
  5. Accepted lovely birthday wishes and presents where I am not comfortable with that kind of attention
On paper, that may look not so big a deal, but for some reason those "things" made this week stressful and made me lose sleep. Today involves art teaching, coaching, networking - each are just fine by themselves but clumped together...Yowza.

So...for the record...just like Goldilocks with the chairs...this week was TOO Hard. I need to redefine what I mean by engaged, active, meaningful, connecting, writing, reading, volunteering when it comes to things that make me feel "alive"....there has to be some algorithm that makes it "just right"
At least I'm trying things out for the challenge is taking note of what the Just Right is and do more of THAT. Speaking of Goldilocks...I made porridge (oatmeal) for myself this morning and it WASN'T 'just right', it was goopy...blech!

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