Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oldies but goodies

Purging books from our bookshelves always feels good (at least for me). We made a good dent, but there are some books that are off limits. Tonight the kids and I had a good spell of reading the old favorites. I thought at first they would complain, but alas no...the truly memorable ones still sit well and maybe always will. Here was what we read tonight:
I suspect that if I hold onto anything (I'm a big fan of decluttering) it will be the old favorites from our bookshelves. That will always transport me to the nighttime ritual of settling my babies before they went off to slumber land...well at least my son would settle...my daughter, well, that is a story for another time. In the meantime...goodnight to the little old lady whispering 'hush'!

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