Friday, March 19, 2010

MY day

Today is a teacher work guess who gets to entertain the kids...MOI.

It is amazing how our perspectives change depending upon the phase of life we're in. When my kids were babies, all I wanted was an hour to myself because that is all I could see as possible. Now I have HUGE chunks of days to myself and when the kids are on 'my time' it is as if I am burdened by their presence...they're cramping my style. What a difference...and all of it came without me really realizing it. I find it absolutely fascinating.

So I guess what is going on here is that once you've experienced "freedom" it becomes incredibly "obvious" when it is being threatened. Don't get me wrong, I plan to enjoy my time with my kids today, it just has thrown me a bit and I feel uncomfortable and I am thinking a little bit of all the things I COULD (or WOULD) be doing if they were at school right now.

Instead of dwelling on this however, I can change my perspective and say...hey, I am lucky to HAVE kids. I am EXTREMELY lucky to have time to myself. Other parents have had to scramble to find care for their kids and are off to work perhaps wishing they had my "problems". My kids are actually fun to be around. The sun is shining and our friends are as the saying goes...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! We are off to a park to fly kites, have a picnic, and enjoy the fellowship of others. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity.
I 100% appreciate it....and I also am noticing what I am feeling in MY life. All of it is worth a notice, regardless of where we are, who we're with, and how we've chosen to play out our lives. I'mjustsaying!

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