Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today, I got to participate in the time honored tradition most parents participate in at least ONCE during their children's lives... Scrounging through garbage bags to find a missing retainer!

The scenario - Son announced that he did not know where his retainer was last Saturday. We retraced steps, we called friends to ask them to search, we checked all clothing worn in the past 2 weeks, we desperately surveyed the washer and dryer...but nada. Monday we asked the teacher about it. She gave a glimmer of hope but I hadn't heard back. So, today, I made the dreaded call to the orthodontist to set up the appointment for a new one. I set the appointment out a week due to time constraints AND in the hopes that somehow the retainer would surface. I emailed the teacher one last time and she gave me a bit of insight...a teacher had wrapped the retainer in a napkin and put it in his lunchbox...BINGO...that was my cue to take a nosedive in our rubbish bins. I systematically touched EVERY FLIPPING piece of trash, including coffee grounds, broken eggs, uncooked meat...excuse me 'cause a little throw up happened in my mouth. you know how this ends right? The VERY LAST piece of trash I picked up (3 bags full and a whole bin of recycled goods) turned out to be the wrapped retainer. Hallelujah. I just made $350 doing the dirty work.

Oh yeah...HI Mom and Dad...I know you are snickering right now and saying PAYBACKS ARE HELL. I 100% appreciate you right now (and then some).

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