Saturday, August 30, 2008

10 Books

My summer goal of reading 10 books was achieved! A lot of these books were quick reads (I'm a slow reader) but at least I did what I set out to do. I actually think I have a few other books I could list, but the titles escape me and obviously they don't stand out in my mind. Here is my list. Now I must walk 5 miles in the next three days to make my other goal (walk 200 miles Jan-Sept). After Sept 1 I will have to think about my goals for the end of the year. I know one is to walk 100 more miles (or more!) and maybe read at least one book a month....Martha Beck Course, PTA, coaching soccer and general life maintenance will probably get in the way of reading much more than that.

  1. The Last Lecture - by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow
  2. Steering by Starlight - by Martha Beck
  3. Gift from the Sea - by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  4. The Road - by Cormac McCarthy
  5. A Lesson Before Dying - by Ernest J. Gaines
  6. A Separate Peace - by John Knowles
  7. Slummy Mummy - by Fiona Neill
  8. Candy Girl - by Diablo Cody
  9. Alexander and the Wonderful, Marvelous, Excellent, Terrific 90 Days - by Judith Viorst
  10. Naughty Neighbor - by Janet Evanovich (definition of SUMMER READ)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That is awesome. Congratulations. I am lucky to get one book a season, I am so tired at night which is when I love to read. I like your idea about setting these goals. I think I might join you in the 100 miles this fall goal.