Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Patience of a Saint

Today was a 2 steps forward 3 steps back kind of day (or maybe it is a hurry up and wait kind of day). At the bank the kids and I (and other parents from school) had to wait an hour for something that should have taken 20 minutes max. There seemed to be a computer glitch holding up the process. Then we went to Pizza Hut (first clue that it wasn't a good experience) to redeem a reading reward from the library (free personal pan pizza). The menus at the table were sticky (another clue). There was one server (another clue) for the whole place. I'm not lying, it took about 45 minutes for the server to acknowledge our existence. The kids were amazingly calm through the whole thing even though we were hungry, thirsty and very annoyed that a pushy group of moms got served before us (it took all I could not to jump in, but I had kids watching). Several times in this event, I asked the kids if they'd like to leave (also saying we will NOT be coming back here ever again). We stayed put patiently and finally the nourishment (if you could call it that) arrived. It seems that my kids have inherited my amazing ability to stay calm and generally unphased about delays, long waits, empty hours, etc. If my husband were with us, we'd have been 'outa there' if 20 minutes had passed.

The silver lining for me was that I got to make a big dent in my book that I was reading. I am now 2 books away from my goal of 10 books by Sept 1. If you could see the next two books I'm going to read you'd notice they are small with big type; ON PURPOSE.

1 comment:

Hear Me Roar! said...

I've had a bit of catching up to do on your blog, but I'm so glad you're back! We must get together soon, simply for chit chat :o)