Saturday, August 2, 2008

On the road again

Just can''t wait to get on the road again....
Our NEXT journey (to the beach) begins in an hour. Luckily this drive is only one DVD long (in kid hours) so the kids won't get too antsy (or me for that matter). Every year we have a theme for the week which culminates in a "party" celebrating the theme. This year it is Greek Week. Given that there are ages 6-63 (+ or -) we won't be recreating Animal House, we'll in fact be getting into "character" of Greek gods and goddesses. We've even bought makings for some 'costumes'. Anyway, the fun is in the journey of figuring out how to 'make the party'. My Greek goddess character is actually a combo of two goddesses Eutychia (goddess of happiness) and Selene (goddess of the moon) just call me EutSe for short.

Off to do the last packing for the trip. Rock ON!

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