Friday, August 1, 2008

Muffin Top

I just ate a HUGE muffin almost the size of my head and I didn't even want it. I ate the whole thing without even realizing it. It was the definition of mindless eating. For the next 2 weeks I'll be in a bathing suit on a daily basis. The first week in Bethany, Delaware at BEACH WEEK with my side of the family. Then I head to the U.P. of Michigan for LAKE WEEK with my husband's side of the family. So...any effort to look at all becoming in a suit have been thwarted by my Muffin and many other delights I've consumed on this vacation. Every summer I intend to be "in the best shape I can" and every summer (around this time), I give in to the fact that the summer is all about relaxing, enjoying yourself, imbibing too much and eating too as the story goes, I'll start back on my quest for the 'best shape' in September...but then there is Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, Holiday gorging...then the New Year resolution kicks in...and so on and so forth. For now....I'll try to digest the cake-size muffin so by lunchtime when I dine out with a friend, I can gorge some more...Carpe Diem

Picture is from Monkey's 1st Birthday...that is probably what I looked like when eating my muffin.

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