Thursday, August 21, 2008

Old habits do die!

I've noticed something about myself in the past few years. I rarely procrastinate anymore. I used to save my studying, paper writing, and work projects to the last minute and was still able to succeed, while also stressing my self out to no end. Now with the PTA and recently my new coaching class, I write my articles, respond to emails, do my homework way in advance of when they're due (or at least more often than I used to). So, is it that I've matured? Do I have more time on my hands? Am I more interested in what I am doing? Do I actually know the value of time now? Do I NOT want to feel the gut wrenching, tiring stress of last minute work? Probably all of the above! I like the "get it done sooner than later" mode. I have to admit that housework is one where I do put off until things are dire, I think that is related to the concept that the housework is NEVER DONE or if it is, it'll come back again very soon...stop the madness!

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