Friday, August 29, 2008

Memory fades

This morning my son awoke and the first words out of his mouth were:

"This is the sunniest day of my life", and then he said "Maybe it WON'T rain today".

The sad thing is it is NOT the sunniest day of his life. We were just back East where it was blazing hot and sunny without a cloud in the sky almost every day we were there. And as for his other statement...the forecast is rain.

I am getting grumpier and grumpier about the weather. Ever since we got back on August 17 it has pretty much been cold and rainy...I wear long pants and sweatshirts on a daily basis. We have had a few bright spots...but mostly not. The forecast for the first day of school...rain (just like last year). OK enough negativity...I have to go buy myself a sunlamp now. I'm thinking that whenever someone registers to become a resident of this state they should receive a standard issued sunlamp to avoid seasonal affect disorder (SAD). Just a thought. Happiness and sunshine (please)!!!!

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