Saturday, December 20, 2008

Batten down the hatches

Our current forecast is that some time today there will be severe wind storms up to 90 MPH winds. We've experienced this before 2 years ago almost to the day. It is very 'Auntie Em' feeling when it happens. There are huge evergreens that sway with such intensity that you are certain that they will all crash at the same time on your house. Luckily so far that hasn't happened and I'm pretty sure it won't happen this time. The storm of 2006 was big and it caused state-wide power outages. We lived for 3 days without power, no gas stove, no working fire place. For me, it was kind of fun to see how we could survive. The kids loved how much time we spent together. My husband wasn't as keen on it. Luckily the neighbors up the hill got power and allowed us to camp at their house.

Then there are the neighbors across the street...they are...shall we say, different. The dad/husband has a generator (and a back up generator). He looks forward and is "hoping" that our power goes out (his daughters told me I'm not speculating here). He wants to show himself and the n'hood that he is prepared for the 'end of the world'. They admit that they were stocked and ready for Y2K. The problem I have with his model is that HE WANTS THE POWER TO GO OUT....doesn't he realize that most of the rest of the world DOES NOT HAVE A GENERATOR. Anyway, we are ready and waiting for what Mother Nature has in store and we'll be as prepared as can be for the next few days. Our main hope is that by Monday morning at 6am we are on a plane to DC safely making our journey the waiting arms of Grandma E (and Grandpa)....I know she is anxious for our arrival and I love that about her.

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