Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fright Night

Last night my son called from his bed screaming in fear. I rushed to the room. His Furby had decided to start talking exactly at the moment that a poster on his wall started to fall. It was a confluence of events that frightened him desperately. Well geez, I would be equally as frightened. I proceeded to take the Furby and the poster out of his room and he went right to bed (at his age I would have been up for hours thinking of other things that might happen). I put the 'stuff' in my room. When I was heading to bed last night, Furby said something like "Furby Happy" and I jumped. I put him somewhere else in the room prepared for bed out of the corner of my eye, something was Furby again. I totally forgot that I could turn the blasted thing off. Furby is evil...Furby must die!

On a lighter note (or really heavier)....we have SNOW and lots of it. The snow came a snow day too late. Yesterday there was NO SNOW and the kids were home. I am trying to do some self coaching on my thoughts about this because I know that in June we'll be making up this 'chance of snow' day....but what can I do, it is a done deal. Maybe the authorities will have to grant us that day back as a mea culpa for pulling the 'snow day' trigger too soon. The media plays 100% of a role in our false school closure, they have people posted all across the state predicting, speaking of possible devastation, 'the snow storm of the century' yadda, yadda and then NOTHING.

My current hopes are that the call for snow again on Sunday does not happen because we are taking off for DC on the 5:30am flight on Monday thinks that is a risk if it snows too close to that time. Eventhough I am fearful of flying, I'm really talking about delays not other crazy mishaps.

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