Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kindness of strangers

Today I realized that I had made a huge 'snafu' and in the instant I realized it I decided to see if I could work to change the outcome. Firstly, I was honest with everyone involved that I was a BOZO and I screwed up. Then I went to the source and decided to just ask and see if there was any hope of a solution. In my asking I personally was calm and in a state of acceptance so that whatever the outcome I would be ok, but no harm in asking. Well, I am so pleased to say that snafu is now not a snafu. I owe all of this result to the person who was kind enough to help me out and I now feel as though I have a huge 'pay it forward' moment in my future. What I learned from this is
  1. There is kindness in the world
  2. That I was calm and 'not attached to the outcome' but hopeful
  3. That I actually now have a new friend (albeit via email at the moment)
  4. That being honest doesn't hurt that badly
  5. That I need to slow down a little.

Namaste ("I salute the divine in you.") my new friend.

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