Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Day of it

Today I have an overflowing schedule and I've decided to start my day with gratitude to set the tone for positivity and success.

I am grateful (x 10)

  1. I woke up in a warm and cozy bed

  2. My children woke up in a warm and cozy bed

  3. My house is 90% ready for the party tonight

  4. I have an overflowing schedule doing things that are useful to others

  5. My husband is in London visiting with our dear friends (really that isn't gratitude it is jealousy)

  6. My kids have food to eat for breakfast, lunch AND dinner

  7. I have the time, energy and health to successfully get through this day

  8. I will be interacting with tons of people throughout the day (which gives me energy)

  9. I am going to see a play with Monkey's class (we're walking to a local theater)

  10. I love my life

On a totally different and 100% more important note...please everyone who reads this say a prayer or whatever you are inclined to do for my friend's sister who has a very serious and complicated brain aneurysm and will be operated on tomorrow. She has 4 daughters and a husband and and extended family who love and wish for her to be well.

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