Monday, December 29, 2008

Missing the feeling

Every Christmas starting when we migrate East to our families, I lose the ability to feel hunger. That is because I eat a lot and seemingly constantly. I have been more contentious about how MUCH I eat but I still seem to have the feeling of 'full' since I got here on Dec. 24. This very state of fullness is what caused me (about 10 years ago) to enter into a state of extreme denial starting January 1. As the clock turns to midnight, I drop all candies from my 'paw' and do not allow it (or any form of junk food) into my mouth until Easter. I am very good at this and have amazing self control. I actually feel no stress when exposed to the 'off limits' problems. Anyway, for the past few years the effect the denial has had is dwindling, I don't see any significant physical results (ie weight loss) and I think it is because I 'fill the void' with more of other stuff that counteracts the possible positive results. As usual, this year I plan to be better about 'everything' but I have my doubts. I am wondering if I need a new approach, totally different from this pattern. There are a few problems with changing though. What SHOULD I do? Will it work? How do a stop this crazy tradition, it is part of my shtick? I have a few days to do some soul searching but there is a possibility that there is a NEW ME coming. I feel that the fact that I have both amazing self control until Easter and then NO SELF CONTROL for the rest of the year is the source of my issue and that maybe my approach from the past needs a new look.

The other big thing I'm dealing with is that now that I am venturing into my forties I am finding that my handy dandy metabolism of my younger years has gone to pot. I have creeped 10 pounds over my 'comfort zone' and I am realizing a new day has come for me and I may have to take it seriously. In my coaching program there is a Master Coach Brooke Castillo who has a book that is on the top of my pile If I'm So Smart Why Can't I Lose Weight?. I'm hoping that this will be my 'mental/emotional' boost to my dilemma. I'll keep you posted. I'll also tell you what I've decided in terms of EXTREME DENIAL 2009 (or not).

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