Friday, December 5, 2008

Under Pressure

As I said yesterday, things get a little loosy goosy here when my husband is traveling. Loosy goosy can bite you a little. At 9pm last night, I realized that my son had not done 3 days of homework and it was due today. I went to a lecture last night and had to get a babysitter. I asked her to help with the homework, but obviously that didn't quite happen. So, marching orders for my son were that I would have to wake him up early and he'd have to get the work done.
Fast forward to this morning. He became MY alarm clock an hour before anyone needed to be awake. The poor boy probably dreamt about it and maybe not really slept because it was on his mind. I'm training him well for adulthood, right?

To further his training for adulthood, my son just barely made the bus, he ran to it with his coat half on, papers flying in his hands and a look of fear. Isn't that what we do often as adults when we are carrying the weight of the world. I have to say I do feel a tiny bit of guilt for my son's morning stress, but I also chalk it up to a learning experience for us all.
This is the song I think of for this post.

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