Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another one down

Today is the day that I am both excited and saddened at the exact same time. My daughter is now 9 years old. Last night I was remembering my hours before she was born when "Mean Nurse Judy" was asking me to rate my pain from 1-10...having studied statistics and psychology I felt I needed a little more information to be able to give an accurate reading. So, I asked 1-10 based on what? HOW CAN I KNOW HOW PAINFUL A "10" IS if I've not experienced it yet!!!!! I asked her more kindly than that between my contractions and she snapped back..."just give me a number" so I snapped back "SEVEN"....Well, it was a good thing that 7 was the lucky number to qualify for an epidural....if she had just told me that, I would have saved all my data gathering questions about the value of 1 and the value of 10. Goodness gracious.

Then my memory jumped to her tiny little legs which would suspend in mid air but flexed to the max when I would change her. For some reason, that is a memory that brings a flood of love into my body. I thought it was the cutest thing. My husband and I were sharing these memories and I admitted to him that I was jealous of him at the point when she started cooing. Whenever he'd change her, they'd 'talk' and she seemed to be a Chatty Cathy with him and my memory is that she wasn't as verbose with me and I was feeling a bit gypped.

Sometimes I wish for those days back and sometimes I'm glad we are where we are...I guess this is what motherhood is all about.

A blessing I would like to give to my daughter in her 9th year

I wish her internal confidence and knowing.

I wish her happiness and love

I wish her HEALTH (in light of the current H1N1 crisis...this wish is extended to the world)

I wish her a full year of all of the above and more!!!

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