Friday, November 27, 2009

Humor in crisis - love it!

Wanna know the quickest way to end a family vacation? Wake up at 6am with a racing heart and proceed to faint...that'll get your family's attention.

We had a ONE DAY (versus the planned 3 day) trip to Vancouver and then made our journey back home for me to be seen by a doctor, get an EKG and then to have a heart monitor in a few days. Current rules: no caffeine, no alcohol, no decongestants and this is the hard driving.

Here is what my husband woke up to...."Honey I need you to call a doctor something is very wrong." He makes the call to the front desk and says, "we have a medical problem please send a doctor"...after I heard that, the next thing I know I am opening my eyes to my husband calling my name and my body is sweating profusely. Just as quickly as it all came on, it ended. My heart had stopped its rapid beating and I was merely frightened and a little shaken up by the incident. Fast forward about 15 minutes and we have a knock on our husband answers the door and quickly says "no thank you" and closes the door. It turns out that there was a bit of a communication break down with the front desk...instead of hearing "A DOCTOR" they heard "ADAPTOR". I still am laughing about that one. The good thing from my perspective is that I'm certain that the ADAPTOR (I mean DOCTOR) would have cost a pretty Canadian penny. Since I was feeling fine, I decided to communicate with my health care provider and use their services instead of finding care locally. Unfortunately that meant leaving our lovely hotel and all of the fun activities we had planned and to make the journey be seen by my primary care ADAPTOR (OK enough with that). After my visit today, I have no clear steer on what happened and my guess is that after we do the cardiac heart monitor thing for 24 hours, we will be able to chalk my episode up to dehydration, decongestants (taken 24 hours before), alcohol, and just a series of unfortunate events.

In that moment of calling out for help from my husband, I certainly was of the belief that I possibly was about to meet my maker...thank God that wasn't the case! I did not see any white lights...I pretty much saw 'nuthin'. Here's to another day with my family. Here's to an understanding family who quietly accepted the fate of our trip. Here's to my husband who took this event very seriously. Here's to healthy living...decaf tea will be my drink of choice...Chamomile is quite comforting!


Paris said...

Can you say vasovagal episode? Had one myself a few years back. Almost kept me out of Afghanistan. Mine: beer, plus lying down, plus running upstairs, going to bathroom. Woke up with a barked shin and a bit of a headache. Cardiac monitor, cardiac echogram, drug tests and a few other indignities later - I'm okay. Don't stand up too fast.

Chris said...

Jeez - travel to a foreign country, get sick. If it's not you, it's Ed and his hepatitis. 'Least you didn't have a sudden craving for duck. :-)
Feel better. Looking forward to seeing you guys.