Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Many Hats (and hats off)

My writing has been sporadic because I've been busy being available as a mother, a wife, a coach, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a peer and probably other hats that I'm not aware. The fact that I get to be all of these feels amazing. It feels about the best I can feel because in each of those roles I am very present and in each of those roles I know that I am valuable and worthwhile. And in each of those roles I give my to not be able to write is A.OK with me because I've got many different fabulous and fancy hats to wear that keep me fulfilled and alive. All is well.

AND I want to give a shout out to my veteran family and friends. I heard someone getting a discount today for his service. I announced that I was a Navy 'brat' (I know Dad it should be Junior) and perhaps I deserved a little 'sumpthin'...but alas no, I don't count but I do value what it means. Interestingly (this is a side note), for some reason, I never really "got" the significance of what my dad did in his career. I realized he had a powerful role and the military was important in our country...but I really didn't get the idea of service and dedicating your life for your country and I feel a little naive and stupid about that. I chalk it up to a few is that my parents did a great job of separating work and home so that I didn't feel as though I was living with the Great Santini. I also lived most of my time in a civilian setting (not on bases and not ensconced in all things military). I also think that the Cold War was much harder to grasp than our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Additionally, my Dad didn't get to discuss his job with us and even if he did, I probably didn't get it (or got bored...sorry dad). I also didn't have a TV as a child so I didn't witness military news. So my first real eye opening, HOLY COW THIS IS REAL moment was when my middle brother went to Afghanistan for a year. That was real to me. That hit me in the gut. That felt like sacrifice. So to my dad and my oldest brother, I offer my wish of forgiveness that I didn't 'value' your service as much as I now see I could and should have...and to my brother Greg, thank you for being a solid witness to my raw and eye opening awakening...its obvious I wasn't ready to 'get it' back then and now I do and I truly appreciate all that you and everyone I know (and even those I don't) have done to keep us safe and free. My deepest thanks and sincere appreciation for what you've given.

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