Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nothing and then everything

Lately I've had days filled with "nothing pressing" and so guess what...nothing got done..donut, zip, ziltch, nada. Then there are days like today where I actually had plenty on my plate and guess what, I got a lot done and then some...morning pages (3 pages writte long-hand), 3 business-related tasks (a goal of mine to do 3 small things a day), ran, weight lifted, showered, downloaded photos, volunteered in my daughter's class, shopped at Costco, boogied home and unloaded, drove to a meeting (which was actually cancelled), mailed a package, returned library books, got library books, bought some coffee and a book, read for 20 minutes, drove home, put Costco stuff (dry goods) away....and here I am writing my blog.

I thought I could quickly find a Murphy's Law for this...but I didn't quite find and exact correlation...but I did find a TON of Murphy Law-esque statements that made me laugh. My one problem with this picture is....I am frustrated that I cannot provide my own 'incentive' for being productive regardless of what is on my plate. Where is that 'work ethic' that just keeps me chugging along with just some good ole' intrinsic motivation? Where is it I ask you? I believe the elixir would be that I had some concrete goal to work toward versus a general knowing that I want to feel busy, useful, engaged, connected, smart, resourceful and many more where that came from. As much as those are useful bits of data to know what I want to feel, I don't have a clear 'endgame' build a car, or sell widgets. I think I could do a little 'brainstorm' on this to get a bit more clear on targets to meet...then perhaps I'll be able to 'put one foot in front of the other'. Perhaps that will be a goal for next week...because tomorrow is close to the speed of today and I expect to get a lot of good stuff done...but not THAT. Until then, I have 'this song' running in my head...and it won't get out!

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