Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alrighty then

That is the first word that came to mind as I thought about what to write today. No insights are coming so...I start with those words and then...what...hmmm...

Perhaps because my tummy is full of Indian food, my brain cannot function. Today, I took my husband to lunch FOR THE FIRST TIME since we moved here 3 + years ago. His office is WALKABLE and we've never made a regular date of it. We've had a few breakfasts at his work with the kids but not a date in the middle of the day, WITHOUT KIDS. I love that we scheduled this in advance; that we blocked it off on our calendars; that I turned down another opportunity for lunch because this was scheduled; that we reminded each other daily of our lunch date...the anticipation and excitement over making ourselves a priority while a small task in the big scheme of things (just one hour on Wednesday) took on a bigger meaning psychologically. We're talking about making this a regular "thing" and perhaps doing an 'around the world' theme where we try different ethnic foods (within a radius of his work). How fun! How novel! How STUPID that we've not done this before! What other "simple thing" am I overlooking that can have huge emotional dividends? I'm going to go on a hunt for more moments...a treasure hunt of sorts!

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