Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old dogs

In the 18 years (close to half my life) I've known my husband, I've witnessed a curious phenomenon. He cannot change sheets. This isn't necessarily a husband bashing party, it is an observation and perhaps dare I say, a fact. It is more often than not that he puts the clean top sheet on sideways (what I call short sheeting) and/or the pillow case will have the seam directly across the place where you lay your face. In the past, this would bother me and I would make statements like..."I cannot believe that you advize CEOs with multi-million dollar budgets but you cannot seem to figure out how to make a bed (this would be in more of a joke form than a chastizing form...but probably one could argue that they have the same result). I still say that in my head (and sometimes out loud) but I say it now with a true laughing spirit. I find it fascinating that 18 years later it still is the same. Just yesterday, I went to make the bed and low and behold the sheets were hanging way too long on each side of the bed indicating another short sheeting. I laughed and had truly endearing thoughts about my husband.

My mother-in-law (whose favorite/only son I married) would probably say, "at least he makes the bed"....and I agree with her. I also agree that I have hit the jackpot when it comes to husbands. How many wives can say that their husbands cook dinner almost every night (after a long day at work). Or that their husbands prefer a tidy house and will take matters into his own hands if need be (sometimes a little too tidy where things will go missing which I suspect means they are thrown away). I also have a husband who loves me, who is committed to our relationship, who 'brings home the bacon', who supports my crazy 'self actualization' process I'm on, and whom I am proud to introduce to people and most of the times I can feel confident that I won't be embarassed (joke)...I could go on, and I'm sure he'd love me to...but the point is nobody is perfect. The other point to me is...make your own damn bed if you want it to be right.

There is that age-old discussion wives often have of their spouses where they have a sneaking suspicion that the recurring "doing it the wrong way" is a sly trick to get out of doing it at all. I really don't feel that is the case here...but maybe my husband has me really fooled. In the meantime, my lesson is to make the bed directly after the sheets are dry so that my husband is not tempted to take matters in his own hands!!!! I'm-just-saying.

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