Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Put your record on

Today is my day that I feel as though I am 'put back together' from the hub-bub of the holidays and my 10 days back east. The house is 'just so', laundry is one load away from done, kids are in a good routine, I have lists and I am checking items off as I go, I am sleeping on a more regular schedule (ish), and today I start back with my clients.

I am so excited to feel that energy again and work toward getting more of the same. The energy I like is encapsulated under the umbrella of what I call "meaningful connections". What makes me the best me is when I am communicating with people who "get it" and who want to engage at an energy level that is positive, forward focused, fun and engaging. That is my sweet spot and I want more and more of it. This can come in the form of a great conversation with a friend, a download of the workday with my husband, a chat with my child, an hour-long session supporting someone as a coach, a networking event where smart people are actively communicating and even reading smart, witty, concise but meaningful writing helps me to accesses my sweet spot of energy that I love. So YEAH ME...I have set my needle on the right groove of my 'record' (showing my age) and my song is playing beautifully...I suspect that at some point I'll hit a scratch in the record, but I'll know what to do...pick up the needle and move it slightly...and the song continues...OR sometimes it helps to just turn the record player off for a bit, quiet the mind and then restart at whatever point feels right. That is my plan for Jan (I'm a poet).

1 comment:

Jen Trulson said...

Love your post! There's something about the term sweet spot and you've reminded me to visit it more often, thank you by saying it out loud. I can feel you enjoying your sweet spot and I thank you for letting me be a part of it. I'm high on surrounding myself with like-minded people too. I get it! xo