Monday, January 11, 2010

I got a feelin' - woo hoo

Here is how the story goes. When I say something I stick to it (mostly). So, in 1998 when I said I would run the London Marathon, I meant it...and I did it. When I say I'm going to write my blog every day (mostly) I do it. When I say that I will give up junk food from January until Easter I do it. HOWEVER, recently I have been making a conscious decision to start really thinking about what I'm 'sticking to' and deciding when and where I might want some flexibility or change. I do like how I can persevere at things. I believe I inherited that skill from my dear Father. I know I'll continue exercising this ability in some areas of my life...but I am now willing to change my mind if I wish, or redirect my actions where I see fit, especially if I see it as something that will serve me even better. So, last year I broke my decade tradition of giving up junk food from January until Easter. I was realizing that although I was proud of my willpower and commitment, that behavior was actually destructive because it wasn't honoring my ability to trust myself to exercise moderation. I wasn't believing in myself that I could say no to something and also say yes on occasions when I felt like it, and that I would know when to 'say when'.

In the spirit of flexibility, I have another change to make that feels good and feels right and provides me with a little more inspiration...and part of me feels fickle. I know I'm making more out of this than needs be...but I've decided to change my word for the year after already announcing it and committing to it. It turns out that with a little bit of perspective (mainly from my friend Jen) that instead of the word OBSERVE, I'd like to go a little deeper and change me word to FEEL. I think from that place I can "observe" the REAL me and what I want. I am a firm believer that the more we get in touch with our body and our feelings the more we can really see what makes us when I feel a sick feeling when invited to a PTA meeting, I know that doesn't work for me, or when I feel all giddy inside when invited to a girls night out, I know I'm onto something, or when I get a little stir inside when I read a thought piece on how to see things differently I know that perhaps there is something there to investigate. This FEELING is taking me out of my head (which can sometimes fool us into THINKING something is real) and putting me in touch with the truth because I believe our body always tells the truth. So...move over OBSERVE...I've got a feeling. The other cool thing is that I can actually have a theme song.

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