Saturday, June 28, 2008


I've had a few recent coincidences related to my Italy days:
  1. I did my word association for the word Echo in which I mention my days in Italy

  2. A few days later, out of the blue, I was invited to join an online alumni network for all who attended Naples American HS. I've really had minimal contact with anyone in 21 years.

  3. Then my parents had an incident which brought back memories of Italy (I'll describe below)

  4. Then I did another word association for Mineral Oil and it also brought back Italy memories
I know that these aren't earth shattering coincidences but I've been noticing my coincidences more and more and I guess I wonder 'why'...or how could I use this to my advantage...or is this coincidence going to serve as another launching point for something else. It is all fun and interesting and gives me good vibrations...that is all.

Now for the incident with my parents. I had avoided writing about it to respect my parents' feelings (if they had any about me writing about it) but time has now passed and things are moving in the right direction, so I will write...AND my brother mentioned it in his blog. So, if he can, then I can...nah, nah, ne, nah, nah.

So here is the story. Last week I drove my parents to their BIG 45th anniversary trip; a week long Alaskan cruise. They were excited, nervous and ready to "get on with it". I said to my mother, "Mom, please don't recreate the scenario from your 25th anniversary". (I will now describe that incident)

We were living in Italy and they had decided to go on a lovely Amalfi Coast vacation for their 25th. I don't have the places or details straight (I was 18 and parents weren't that cool back then). Anyway, they stayed in a hotel that was 'not busy' at the time so the staff left many of the lights off in hallways etc. Mom opened the door to what she thought was a hallway but was in fact a flight of stairs going DOWN....she and some fancy painted dishes went tumbling down the stairs. She shattered her wrist and other bones in her right arm. She, to this day, doesn't have full mobility of that arm.

Fast forward 20 years to their 45th Anniversary trip this week......My parents had just finished a meal in Scagway and were walking along a street. There was an obstruction in the sidewalk that my mom did not see. She proceeded to fall and break her shoulder and fracture other parts of her LEFT arm. They had to be airlifted to Anchorage, stay in the hospital for 3 days and ended their cruise experience 4 days early. She'll have to have shoulder replacement surgery upon her return home. My mom announced to my dad that they will NEVER take another anniversary trip again...I think I'll have to support this decision. When my dad called to tell me about this situation I kept telling him to stop joking me and tell the truth. I kept saying, "She did NOT, Dad, you're lying, stop teasing me." He finally had to emphatically say I AM NOT LYING for me to realize that it was in fact true.

Talk about JINXING someone. I should never have brought up that incident 20 years before. I feel responsible for this (even though I know deep down that I really am not). CAN YOU BELIEVE MY POWERS? Now many of my friends are saying that I'm only allowed to have positive thoughts about them just in case I DO have powers!

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