Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wrong side of the bed

How would YOU like to wake up to a child slapping you in the face, then kneeing you in the ribs, then elbowing you in the back? Sounds like an aggressive, good-for-nothing child, right? Well it is actually a sleeping boy in my bed who was invited in by daddy. Somehow, mommy's body is more fun to punch around than daddy's body. On top of that, it is fun to REALLY wake up to "Mommy, I accidentally went potty in the bed"....oh joy! That is how my morning began. It is hard not to grumble about my husband's choices because, while I'm not against kids in bed in the morning, I always tell them they must go wee wee before they can hop in. I would love to rewind the morning because our new(ish) bed will never be the same and it is hard for me to 'get over it'. But, I must and I will and things could be WAY WORSE in my life.

This morning my daughter railroaded me into playing Littlest Petshop. I'm not very good at "playing" (I'm always thinking of all the other things I could be getting done) but I decided that this is a moment that should be taken; it will go a long way. Well I'll be doggoned it if I didn't have a great time. We played school with the Petshop animals. We each alternated reading a poem from Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends (which we both LOVE) then we made each animal tell a story, sing as song, say a poem and on and on. I entertained my daughter with southern voices, British voices (if you could call it that), Valley-girl voices and singing Annie's Tomorrow at the top of my lungs. She sat and stared at me as I performed. I'd like to think it was in awe and admiration, but it could as easily been embarrassment and disgust. It made me feel good to have her see me "just going for it". I feel that the more she sees me (and her dad) being confident in anything (even if we aren't good at it), it'll be a positive influence. Our playing was a lovely little experience for both of us. Our "playdate" almost made up for the start of my morning.

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