Thursday, June 26, 2008

Word Association: Mineral Oil

Wow, Mineral Oil brought a very sudden and clear memory for me. It is of slathering Baby Oil on my 18 year old body to get a sun tan. The image is of my BFF Jules and me up on the veranda of our Italian Villa (YES, I lived in an Italian Villa with a Veranda and I didn't even appreciate it). We were preparing for Prom and needed to look crisp I guess. I actually think we were careful enough not to burn. My how times have changed. I now slather on the SPF and only spend minimal time in the sun. Will my kids even know that Baby Oil is an option? I hope not.

As for that Prom. I didn't have a boyfriend at the time but Jules did. I was fine with that. I had decided not to 'get involved' that year because I knew that we'd be off to college and didn't want to bother with the drama. So, Jules' boyfriend had a friend who didn't have a date so somehow I was talked into being his date. I really wasn't keen on the guy even though he was super sweet. He just wasn't my type (he had a mustache for father-in-law has one and he looks dapper, but an 18 year old boy...not so much). I feel bad to this day for treating that boy (cannot even remember his name) so poorly. I wouldn't speak with him, I barely wanted to be seen near him, I was a rotten date. I don't know why I did this, it is not like me. I just think I didn't want him to get any ideas and I guess that is how I manifested my intentions with him, to make him miserable. I'm sure he is saying to this day "My Senior Prom sucked". As much as I was an A number One brat...I'm sure I looked FABU with my perfect tan, and my bright blue spaghetti strap taffeta number. Ooo la la.
Picture is a photograph of the scrapbook I made in 1987 of the year I was in Italy...that is my BFF and me toasting our graduation. It was legal to drink in Italy!

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