Monday, June 9, 2008

Weird things are happening

I know I already posted today and I have been trying to stick to one a day, but this just happened and I had to tell. OK, so I've been thinking about my $100 lately because I took it out of my wallet recently when I went on a trip. I didn't want the burden of worrying about it. Well, the bill went from this bag to that for a while and at some point I'd forgotten about it and forgotten where it had ended up (don't tell my husband). Anyway, its been on my mind for the last few days and then today I was poking around on my blog reviewing things and came across my post about it. It put the $100 back on my radar of wanting to find it. Do you know what? I am wearing my PARKA because it is FREEZING and just as I saw and thought about that blog, I felt something in my inside pocket. I thought, could this actually be my $100 and IT WAS. It manifested itself out of 'mid air' essentially. Holy tomato I say! Anyway, just thought I'd share. I'm still focusing on channeling these powers in good ways...maybe I'd be a good circus act!?

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