Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A day of it

I've already had a full day and its only 6:55am. I never really got to sleep last night due to sneezing, hacking and coughing from some crazy allergies I'm having. At 3:45am I decided to give in and do something besides stare at the ceiling. I've deleted hundreds of emails. Responded to emails that I'd forgotten to...I hope they don't notice the time. I have done a load of laundry, loaded the dishwasher, made coffee, made and eaten slow cook oatmeal, gotten my daughter back to sleep from an early morning nightmare (or would it be morningmare), watched CNN Headline News, and edited some photos for a client. I could call it a day right this very minute. So, who knows what the day may hold...it could be a looooong nap, it could be more of the same productivity, or it could be me rocking in the corner with snot running down my nose because I've cracked up (how is that for a visual)!

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