Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I coveteth

I am "back East" visiting family and this morning the light was hitting this display "playfully" and it reminded me that I need to get into my "in-laws" good favor so that the bequeath these to my husband...My father-in-law grew up with these 7 dwarfs in his life and they would be the perfect addition to my belongings...but NOT ANY TIME SOON! I'm hoping that these aren't coveted by anyone else...and if so, I'd gladly part with my desires to maintain familial happiness...too many families are damaged by the dividing of "stuff". On my side of the family, I covet a corner cupboard that"in my memory" was the only constant thing in my life as we moved every 2 years. If my brothers desire it too, I think a third of it (cut with a chainsaw) would look good in my house, but it would be awkward to store anything in it.

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