Friday, June 12, 2009

Heart Felt

My husband wanted a new car.
My husband researched cars.
My husband narrowed it down to two kinds of cars.
My husband was conflicted.
My husband asked my opinion.

Luckily my husband asked when I was in a euphoric zen place after my retreat last week because I said....Go with your heart. What do YOU want? (it was a choice between more practical and what he's always wanted)

My husband went with his heart. He now owns his coveted VW Toureg. Here is where practical lost out...there is no "third row" I continue to be relegated to the trunk of the car when more than 2 people come to visit. I still feel zen with this. I really DID want my husband to have what he wanted AND follow his heart. Being practical is overrated, following your heart is a 'gift'...I hope more and more opportunities present my family to follow what we want and eschew the "practical-ness" of stuff...It feels much more rich and fabulous this I am off to buy a 'doggy bed' (of sorts) for my 'rear-end' adventures.

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