Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yesterday my dad and I took 3 younguns to DC to do a portion of what tourists do in DC. We did DC-lite in the 90+ heat and we are still alive to tell (at points it felt as though we might expire). So what is small about DC? It is my WORLD. I have a knack for having small world experiences on a regular basis and yesterday held true to that. We were in the gift shop at the Natural History Museum buying "landfill items" for the kids. I passed by this little girl and felt confused because I recognized her but she didn't belong in DC. So I decided it wasn't her. Then my daughter rushed to me to tell me my son's friend was in fact I DID know her. The issue was that she is neighbor-girl who attends our school in Washington STATE and she did not belong in Washington DC. So, the mom and I did the normal "what a coincidence" kind of talk and went on our merry way. I called my good friend "at home" and told of our chance meeting and at that point I felt "disappointed" because lately I've been "jonesing" for a really off the wall "small world experience" from someone really unexpected. I don't know the "who what where" of what I want, but this chance meeting WAS NOT IT. What it felt more like was that my crazy PTA world is following me and it is trying to remind me that even though I am on summer vacation, I still have an attachment to that 'bloody school' where my kids go. So, universe, you're delivering the experiences, but could you please bump it up a "notch" on the quality of my chance meetings!

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