Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not another MOM

I feel as though I've blogged about this before...but here it goes again. For the last couple of days it has bothered me that every few minutes one or both of my kids say Mom!.....(as in they want my attention). Sometimes it is to tell me something, sometimes it is to ask me something, sometimes it is to find me, but for some reason this week it is getting on my last nerve. I love them dearly and most of the time whatever they want, need, desire etc. I don't have a problem with it is just that first feels like this Mom-Mom-Mom-Mom-Mom-Mom-Mom-Mom...until infinity. I should count the number of "Moms" I hear and then say it to someone and see how they feel. I know I am blessed to be a mom and the kids I'm a mom to are pretty fabulous...its know?

And then there is that magical skill my kids have to know exactly when I'm either in the shower or on the toilet when they must find me and find me now! Before they were in school I felt as though I had NO TIME TO MYSELF. Now I just feel that my 'private times' are being hijacked.

So here is the solution for now...I AM LEAVING MY FAMILY FOR 3 WHOLE DAYS THIS WEEKEND!!!!!! In my mind instead of MOMOMOMOMOMOM...I'll be thinking MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME. Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Suzane Churchman said...

Oh, I can so relate to your blog! I remember my own mother saying when I was a kid "I'm going to change my name!" This morning as I was trying to use the "potty" both my 6 year old daughter and 8 year old son ended up in the bathroom with me. Now, how did that happen?! And it's a teeny tiny bathroom! I tried to impress the concept of privacy upon them. Maybe it will last until the next time! Anyway, just wanted to say, yep, me too.

PS I found your blog through the comfort cafe. It's great to hear other mom thoughts.