Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yesterday I had a glimpse of my 'old ways' when I was feeling a little underwhelmed with being a stay at home mom, PTSA President...and that was it.

I surfed the web for way to long, I checked my email way too often (with nothing in the inbox), I watched CNN through the same news cycle a few times, I barely ate anything. I was just a blob...and I kinda wanted to stay that way to the bitter end of the day; so I did. What I liked about it is that I got rid of all my 'have tos, and should dos' and did Nada. What I didn't like about it is that what could I have done that would have been a bit more soul fulfilling instead of energy go to a bookstore and stay all day, or go to a movie, or go out to lunch with a friend, or something way more fabulous than what I did. What is done, is done...and probably needed to be done...BUT it feels as though I'll never get that day back and I could have done so much more with it....OK...I'll put that thought to bed and today; today is my day to go out to lunch, to go to the bookstore, to interact with people, to have a date with my husband and so much more....TODAY!

1 comment:

Chris said...

It is important to periodically blow a day doing nothing. Guilt is wasted emotion. Embrace the nothingness once in a while. It's good for the soul.
In fact, it's important to know how to waste a day or an entire weekend.