Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 minute drill

For the next 2 minutes I will list things I like...in no certain order...

  1. hummingbirds
  2. popcorn
  3. movies
  4. photographs
  5. creative writing
  6. connecting with people
  7. pens
  8. the color green
  9. jelly beans
  10. small but well appointed houses
  11. small cars
  12. simple things
  13. laughing with friends
  14. "being" with family
  15. a tidy house
  16. clean toilets
  17. children who laugh often
  18. being smart
  19. being witty
  20. being with smart and witty people
  21. people who are authentic
  22. tv shows
  23. my Mont Blanc pen
  24. my engagement ring
  25. coaching people
  26. feeling confident
  27. beer
  28. the smell of a rose
  29. the taste of cherries
  30. a 'just so' blanket
  31. snuggling with my son
  32. speaking like an adult with my daughter
  33. the "knowing" that my kids are going to be ok no matter what
  34. being honest
  35. dolphins
  36. sunsets
  37. days with nothing to do
  38. days with something to do
  39. feeling purposeful
  40. my parents
  41. memories of our d.i.n.k. days
  42. coats
  43. funky jewelry
  44. warm sun on my face

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