Monday, September 14, 2009

You know you're doing something right....

...when both of your kids start sobbing when the meanies kill King Kong (1976 version).

It turned out to be a teachable moment for my daughter (who knows what my husband "taught" my son while consoling him). I talked through with her how some people are greedy and will stop at nothing to make a buck (aka using King Kong as a 'circus act'). That people will lie and agree "not to kill Kong" even when they know that they will. That some people cannot see that there is good in everything and everyone and if you can respect them for their differences and not 'abuse them' is better. My daughter enjoyed talking about this stuff and actually applied this to a real life scenario in her world. Some of her classmates are making fun of a smart kid in her class who asks a lot of questions. She feels awkward about their behavior and deeply believes that it isn't right. As a mom, I feel for the 'onlookers' (my daughter) of such behavior because they a) may wonder if they'll be next b) wonder if they don't participate, what will happen to them then. Right now things are fine...but I will keep my eyes and ears open. I was subjected to bullying in 8th grade and it sucked. Luckily I KNEW that they were "little people" and wouldn't let them get to me. I am hopeful that my daughter has the same 'inner knowledge' when navigating life as a student in today's school system.

On a totally different note. If I were a movie critic, I'd recommend that Jessica Lange, Jeff Bridges, and King Kong (and everyone else in the film) NOT put this movie on their resume...not stellar acting in my opinion. Also, Mr. Kong needs a toothbrush...I'm just saying.

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