Monday, September 21, 2009

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

I have been on a tear these past few weeks. I have cleaned out drawers, shelves, buckets, bins and anything else that is known to collect J-U-N-K! My garage is orderly (ish) and yesterday I attacked the kid's playroom. Now...that was fun (NOT). I seem to enjoy it a bit though because I am good at sticking with it. What I do is basically take the 'puzzle apart' and then put it back together. I have a bag for trash, a bag (more like three bags) for donations and then a basket for carrying things to their rightful place (not in the toy room). I tend to go whole hog and stay 'til the bitter end' to put it back together. I don't know where all the junk came from and I don't know IF my kids ever played with half of it so this time I was pretty hard core on my 'chuck' factor. The kids are definitely older and can be entertained for longer periods with "less"...legos, games, markers, dolls, a few stuffed animals (a few more than my liking)....those are what we're keeping all the other "crap" is outa' here.

It is amazing what the cleansing does for my overall psyche. I feel lighter. For some reason the song "I feel pretty" comes to my mind. I think that when we 'hold on' to the stuff it seeps into other parts of our lives and we feel cluttered and 'held down'. My next challenge is the 'scary basement'....I'm wondering if that area represents the repressed "bad memories" of my life and I'm not ready to go there (the attic is the same 'feeling'). I did dip my toe in yesterday to clean out more of the kid-toy stuff so at least I'm familiar with what is there and can visualize my process....but maybe not today, I like feeling pretty.

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