Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am on a kick where I'm deliberately noticing my abundant moments. Here is what I have so far:

  1. Four sunflowers bloomed from seeds that had expired a year ago

  2. No parking ticket when I forgot to pay

  3. Got my library book just in time to read it for my coaching book club

  4. Found LIPS microphone that had gone missing kids will be so happy to duet

  5. Found my Monte Blanc pen that reminds me of my start of my career in 1992

  6. Cleaning people here on a good day (have a client coming to my house tomorrow)

  7. Ability to have said cleaning people and planning to fund it myself through coaching and photography

  8. Clerk at Safeway allowed me to pay with check even though I'd left my ID at home, I told him I'd pay-it-forward somehow

  9. Remembered to light my green candle yesterday on the 28th, wished abundance to myself and others

Are you paying attention too? We have little gifts delivered on a daily basis, if we notice and celebrate them, I believe that more of the same will come your way. It is nice to have this feeling of abundance...it feels like a warm hug!

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