Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the 9s

9/9/09 was our 14th anniversary.

I'm going to assume that we are going to have a lucky year for those numbers. We started "the year" out just right with a yummy dinner out and a great time together.
I've 'charged' my husband to plan an AWESOME trip for next year (our 15th). It may sound like I am bossy to make him plan it versus doing it myself...but I know my husband and in fact HE LOVES to research destinations and figure it all out. That is how we spent 6 weeks in Southeast Asia having a blast...scuba diving in Thailand, Shopping in Bangkok, seeing Orangutans in Borneo and the such. So...yeah us, we'll do something awesome next year (more of a week jaunt vs. 6 weeks sadly).

Here's to us...and beating the odds for yet another year! Hang in there baby!

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