Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Bibliomancy is a fun little exercise where you find a random book on your book shelf, open it to a random page, read that page/passage and find what meaning in your life it has for you (in the true meaning of bibliomancy you would use books of divination). I have had some amazing coincidences with this where I will read exactly something I had just talked about or asked about. I know that I am operating in a world of self help and most of my books I open are self help, but there is still a bit of a magical coincidence that I find the one thing that was on my mind. There is a subtle influence of the observer making the links...BUT WHO CARES! So...I will now perform my circus act of reading a passage and writing my meaning...hold tight....

So my first book didn't was called Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and it was talking about the lead guitarist (or something) from Limpbizkit...I'm guessing in the 3rd page (if I read further) I would understand the meaning of the story...but I got bored (Gladwell's books do have some great lessons or hypotheses that he I COULD HAVE found something cool...but not today). So my next book was the Joy Diet by Martha Beck. I opened the page and found the chapter called Risk. Martha prescribes a week of taking a risky action on a daily basis. Being bold in action beyond your normal-everyday-run-of-the-mill decisions that you make. YES, this is something that I've been adding to my life this year. I have told people the truth about my feelings knowing it would be uncomfortable for both parties (them and me). I have said a definitive NO when I knew volunteering for one more thing would not serve me well. I coached Martha Beck herself (twice) when I was quaking in my boots. So I like this challenge. Today I will take a risk...what is it?....hmmm, I now ask for signs of what the risk should be for ME today. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

This little tool is just a fun way to check in with a book, with your thoughts and maybe a little hocus pocus where you're looking for signs from the universe for answers or inspiration. I read the book Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs and one of the characters in the memoir would go 'Bible dipping' ...same, but different.

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