Monday, September 7, 2009


Today...Labor husband and I are mostly LAAAAZY. We spent the morning and some of the afternoon watching a "marathon" of Super Nanny shows. We are so addicted to this that it is sad and pathetic. What it does though is makes me feel like an AWESOME parent because our kids aren't even close to being as bad as the kids on the show. We kept hugging our kids and telling them how glad we are that they aren't like THAT. We also joked about putting them in the "Reflection Chair" (which I think is the Naughty Chair for kids who are above the age of 5) and then we talk about sitting on the "Conversation Couch" which is the place where a post "timeout" discussion is to be had. What at hoot!!!! I think my brain is numb with all the crazy antics that kids (and parents) exhibit in the households represented. Also..Jo Jo sometimes cannot pronounce words correctly and one time a little 8 year old girl kept correcting her (with a British accent too)...and it was comical. Anyway...I am definitely not "Mother of the Year" but I also am not one of "those" parents on Super Nanny...High Five to my husband and me!

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