Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The nerve of some people

Yesterday I was backing out of a parking spot in a pretty busy spot. I waited for tons of cars to go by and with a leap of faith, I looked back and started to ease out inch by inch. Well, someone had walked into my blind spot and then she appeared in my view as I continued to back out (slowly). I never hit her but BOY WAS SHE MAD. She gave me the stink eye and came to my window. I rolled down the window and apologized (and noted that she had walked into my blind spot). She glared some more and stormed off....that is when I felt compelled to yell out my window....

I SAID I WAS SORRY...silence


PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES......visions of her storming into a store.

My body was racing with all kinds of 'fight or flight' emotions as I drove off and then I kept thinking...

I sounded like such an idiot

Why did I think it was so important for HER to acknowledge ME?

I despise people who have chips on their shoulders

I'm SURE she has made the same/similar mistake before

I am still laughing at my reaction but also questioning...should she have been so mad? What did she expect to get from me when she approached my car? What was her spread her evil mood on me?

My final thoughts were...I need to slow down and be more aware both of my surroundings AND more importantly I people's toxicity can rub off on me....I don't want others to have that kind of control.

In the meantime...I say to myself...shake it off!

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