Friday, May 30, 2008


I have a few blogs in the works (in my mind) that I wanted to put some time into, but today, I have a clogged ear, a stuffy head, and a general malaise about me. I swear that a germ literally jumped from a teacher to me yesterday because she said her ear was clogged and now mine is...coincidence, I don't think so. Anyway, yucky yuckness is making me feel less able to write a well thought out musing, so bleah to you! Maybe some moonshine tonight will make me feel better. I know my mother is cringing at that statement. She is a t-totaller and has been for sometime now so she is less than 'supportive' of the drink (which I respect), but I can and I will and 'I'm my own person and you can't tell me what to do!"...which is a famous line I pronounced to my family when I was in 3rd grade in Newport, RI. It has gone down as a memorable statement in the lore of our family. I'll never live it down AND by the way, I still stand by that statement! So there!

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