Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meat, Meat everywhere

We recently signed up for an organic meat delivery service. Some friends are doing it so we thought we'd give it a try. The delivery will be made shortly. The issue is that we have to have 6 months worth of meat delivered all at once. Another issue is that my husband doesn't want to get another freezer at the moment. So for the past few weeks we've been widdling down our freezer supply to make room for said meat delivery. I am skeptical that our 'side by side' freezer section will hold the meat. And IF it does in fact hold the meat, there will be no popsicles, waffles, or other 'fun stuff' to have on hand (at least until we widdle down our meat supply...or eat meatsicles). One other travesty is that a snowperson from our last snow had taken residence in our freezer and s(he) is now displaced (and oh by the way, melted into nothingness).

We, as parents, have decided to adopt the organic way of life (especially with meats and milk) due to the fact that 8 year old girls are starting to get boobies and our daughter might not be far behind, perhaps we can stave them off or reverse the progress. I'm certain that, one day, my daughter will be so glad that I wrote this, NOT.
So, guess what will be for dinner most nights, meat, meat or more meat (at least there will be varied types; beef, pork, or fish), anyone want to join us for dinner (unless you're a vegetarian)?

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