Friday, May 23, 2008

You'll be able to wear it again...I'm sure

We're such wild and crazy ladies. We all were 'gussied' up for our evening as bridesmaids for bunko. Many of the gals came up to me announcing excitedly that they too had owned this style of dress (exact one in many cases) for their proms back in the day. They would say such things as, " Is that a Jessica McClintock? I had that very same one in baby blue". I felt so popular. It was a wild and crazy evening with many of the traditional elements of a wedding minus a groom and minus the decorum that most weddings (or maybe not??) would have. As the saying goes, "a good time was had by all" Do you like my hairdo? I tried to recreate as best I could from when I DID wear this dress for a wedding. Unfortunately my hair was longer, PERMED and I had bangs that went on for miles back then. I wasn't about to spend money on extensions AND who perms their hair these days? Bangs, no thanks. The curling iron and hairspray is as far as I'd take it...which is way more than I do on a normal day anyway!

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