Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nothing in life is...

We decided to go to the Folklife Festival yesterday. We (really I) decided at the start that we would NOT be spending money at the event (as little as possible at least). They advertized the event as free, but as the saying goes "nothing in life is free". Here is how free plays out. They jacked up the parking rates to $10 per car. Festival employees confronted at the gates asking for a $10 suggested 'donation' to the event. There were 100s of stalls hawking their wares (we did not partake). They had kid tents with crafts; MANY of which had a fee (we did nothing with a fee). The kids talked Dad into buying popcorn and licorice (behind my back) - $15. We adults shared a coffee $3. So our free event was actually $40.

We informed the kids of our 'NO SPENDING' commitment. Well this met with some grump. Monkey began to tear up as he watched the carnival rides go 'round and walked past all the yummy foods. The carnival rides are a permanent scene downtown so I promised another visit. Princess gave the 'teenage' lip (last I checked she WAS 8, right?). I had to take her aside and have a "conversation" about how lucky she is to have a house over her head, how we give them treats all of the time and that we'd be taking them to see Speed Racer sometime soon and that we had to save our money for that. What I SHOULD HAVE SAID was, "you buck up Missy and get what you get and LIKE IT". Either way both kids weren't 100% into our idea of not spending money. With that said, we did a pretty good job. At the festival we:
  • "people watched" and counted 15 crazy costumes

  • did a free kid craft

  • participated in a 'jam session' with fun instruments

  • watched a very large square dance lesson

  • enjoyed a picnic lunch

  • sat by the huge water fountain and let the kids run and run around it

  • watched street performers

  • participated in an American Indian dance

  • watched a jump rope act (which made me tired watching it)

  • acted like a family who 'plays well together'

Again, as the Master Card add says: priceless (with a $40 surcharge)!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sooooooooooooo much fun to read and my hats off to your creativity and humorous anecdotes!! What a fun way to keep up with the Englishes...keep'em coming!!

However, given your "powers" and having read the John Denver story, I'm not sure I want to be the one you are dreaming about and rediscovering old Christmas cards from :-)!!!

Since you are saving all of that money by being fiscally responsible at a local fair, you should have plenty of money to bring your kids down to Disneyland...and I can even throw in free room and board!! So, let me know when you are coming to visit...seriously, would LOVE to have you all!! It has been waaaaay too long!! xoxo, Eva